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Are you ready to join the squad?

The Humans

Just Humans

The emotional rollercoaster riders of the crypto world. Celebrating highs with the frenzy of a lottery winner, sobbing through lows like they just watched their favorite cryptocurrency get ghosted on a live chart.

The Doges


Cute, but don’t be fooled, they bite. They symbolize the hope every altcoin holds of being taken seriously one day… or at least turning into a profitable meme.

The Bulls

Pump it!

These horned optimists believe Crypto will rise higher than a SpaceX rocket. Eternal optimists, even when their wallets scream otherwise.

The Bears

Dump it!

The eternal “I told you so” Reveling in every market crash like it’s their birthday party, serving up slices of harsh reality with a side of smugness.

The Devs

Turning coffee into code

The nerds of power. Speak in languages no one understands and laugh at jokes no one finds funny. They’re like wizards, if wizards swapped wands for keyboards.

The Scammers

Send me 1k TRX and I'll send you 10k back

The villains every hero needs. They always have a new “get rich quick” scheme, so transparent it’s almost an art form.

The Trolls

Agents of anarchy

Stirring the pot with a meme or a snide remark. They watch the digital world burn and roast marshmallows over the flames.

The Fudders

Feeding on the blood of the market

The crypto world’s conspiracy theorists, always predicting the end of days. They’re the ones whispering dark omens in the shadows, a sinister laugh accompanying their dire warnings.

The Holders

The zen monks of crypto

These are the ones who bought Tron when it was worth less than your dignity. Now, they laugh while sipping coffee more expensive than your rent. 

A Sarcastic Salute to Crypto Absurdity

Welcome to The Sun Squad, where 601 NFTs laugh in the face of practicality and worship at the altar of digital absurdity. This is the place where the useless becomes priceless, and the absurd becomes investment-grade.

601 Heroes and Villains: Cartoon Paradoxes

  • 470 Unique Faces: Crafted by three designers who could’ve been solving world problems but chose to make crypto heroes instead. Each one is a digital cartoon masterpiece of impracticality, yet bizarrely, absurdly valuable in this cartoon gold rush.

Classes & Rarity (Because Why Not?)

  • 9 Hero Classes: From overzealous “Bulls” to “Scammers” who are ironically more trustworthy than your average stockbroker. Each class is a glorified stereotype of the crypto circus.
  • 4 Tiers of Rarity – Normal, Platine, Shine, and Hollow: In the NFT world, rarity is the currency of envy. The rarer your NFT, the bigger your digital swagger.

Collecting Gloriously Useless Art

  • Are you really spending your hard-earned cash on expensive cartoons? Oh, absolutely. But these aren’t just any cartoons. They’re storytelling cartoons, provocative cartoons, “look-at-me-I’m-rich-in-a-virtual-world” cartoons.

The Irony of Value

  • In “The Sun Squad”, we revel in the delightful irony of splurging real money on what would be considered worthless in any sane era. But here, in the digital realm, these NFTs are like gold – utterly pointless, yet ludicrously prized.

Be a Hero, a Villain, or Just Ironically Wealthy

  • Pick your NFT. Chuckle at the madness. Revel in the rarity. Remember, at the end of the day, you’re part of something bigger – an inside joke that’s worth a small (or large) fortune.

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